Stranger than fiction 05/08/2011
Monday morning. It's raining outside. I have so many deadlines this week I don't know where to start, although I suspect blogging may not be the best place. I still write at the kitchen table, sitting on a wooden kitchen chair, so my back is already aching although it's not even morning-tea time. I'm worried about the dog, he's not himself today. To meet my deadlines and appease my editors, I will need a miracle. Or two. I need some serious inspiration. Perhaps you do, too. So here is a little reminder that, on some days, the impossible may just become possible. Really, anything's possible. I can fly. I can breathe under water. I am loved. Deadlines don't scare me! Now back to work. Comments@GreeneJeffrey 05/08/2011 20:37:52 What more can I say, just great. Naomi 05/08/2011 20:50:09 Thanks so much Jeff. Hope it helps! 07/31/2011 23:21:56 Beautiful and a very inspiring post (you know, I like inspiration!). Love your neighborhood photo and your wedding dress too :-) Ah, and the produce -- so impressive. 08/01/2011 12:05:03 Fantastic! What a wonderful life you're leading. Mind if I life vicariously? Naomi Bulger 08/01/2011 18:47:18 Thanks so much ladies. Sometimes when I'm a bit down, I need to look at this list and remind myself both how lucky I am, and how much wonder is in my world! Leave a Reply | My book is out![]() Buy now at:
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