Yellow! 08/29/2011
Yellow, clockwise in a pretty spiral: 1. The colour of today's gloriously scented lemon harvest, taken from the tree in my back yard and carried inside in my butterfly skirt, and with which I will make lemonade, and this lemon meringue pie 2. The colour of some lovely vintage fabric that arrived in the mail today, all the way from Pixie Dust Linens in Texas 3. The colour of winter berries, thick and glowing in trees that line an entire avenue on my walk home through the Parklands (and from which nesting birds dive-bomb my head) 4. The colour of my 1970s Speedwell ladyframe bicycle, parked among the sweet lavender as I took a break on today's afternoon ride 5. The colour of my toes, all dressed up and ready for spring. Spring, which starts in two days. TWO DAYS, people 6. The colour of the book I am reading right now, The Magnificent Meaulnes by Alain Fournier. Isn't this a glorious yellow cover? 7. The colour of the picket fence and sun-warmed sandstone at the front of my house, about 15 minutes before the rain came down 8. The colour of the little candy flowers I put on top of the three-dozen cupcakes I made for Mr B to take in to his workmates as a treat 9. The colour of the very first, early-season mango Yellow, the colour of sunshine. The colour of happy. What colour are you loving today? Comments08/29/2011 06:21:59 just found your blog!!! i REALLY like it... keep up the good work! Naomi Bulger 08/29/2011 06:48:44 Thanks Katrine, I've just been checking out your blog, too. What a wonderful sense of celebration comes through your photographs! 08/29/2011 07:10:18 Yellow is definitely the colour of happiness and colour of Spring. Lovely photos. 08/29/2011 08:34:18 A good friend of mine recently made a HUGE batch of Lemon Curd. It was delicious and as lemon based desserts are my favorite kind of sweet treats, I was pretty pleased to be able to sample her lemon curd filled cupcakes. Yum. 08/29/2011 13:00:16 It's cloudy here in Texas. Love the pretty yellow things today. Your blog is always so pretty and relaxing. Makes me want to redo my house :) 08/29/2011 13:13:36 I love too many colors to pick just one, and I like them all together. *grin* My current favorite combination is teal, midnight blue, emerald green, and lime green. 08/29/2011 21:04:39 Yellow is my faaavourite!!! Leave a Reply | My book is out![]() Buy now at:
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