The end of love 09/11/2011
I can't get this slow-burning song out of my head lately. It haunts me. I love how it builds and builds and builds. It is so familiar, that breakup ache, the confusion, misunderstandings, lost tenderness... but Gotye makes it beautiful. Every time the song ends, I feel like it has broken up with me. I am undone. Comments09/11/2011 06:23:37 Same! I've had it in my head for a few weeks after seeing the video, and I've since bought the album. It rocks. Love it. My poor kids will have to listen to it over and over in the car. Naomi Bulger 09/11/2011 06:55:54 Ooh thanks Karen, I've been waiting for a recommendation for the album. I think I'm going to get it. 09/11/2011 08:24:16 Love it! The album is really good too, as is the first if you haven't heard it. 09/12/2011 02:26:39 Oh, I love it too. His voice is just beautiful, gives me goosebumps. Nice to see from the comments that the rest of the album is as good Leave a Reply | My book is out![]() Buy now at:
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