Naomi Bulger: messages in bottles

Hidden secrets. Tiny moments. Mysteries, morsels and messages: imagine holding these in your hand. Crafty decorator Jeska of Lobster and Swan has loved old matchboxes, and "secret small things" hidden inside, for years. She even has one with a typewritten message inside it from her great grandfather. How incredibly precious!

Earlier this year Jeska started a project called #matchboxaday, creating tiny worlds inside vintage wooden matchboxes every day for a whole month. She then sold the matchboxes on her Etsy shop to help raise money for a charity run that her husband was doing.

The very first matchbox (pictured above) was Airmail! If only I had known, I DEFINITELY would have made this tiny world my own to celebrate my book. Then again, I am pretty much coveting ALL of these miniature marvels.
(All images used with Jeska's kind permission).


08/08/2012 04:47

These are all so adorable! It'd be brilliant to create little matchboxes for different memories. I might do it for different people in my life -- send one to them and keep one for myself. Oh, the possibilities are fantastically endless!

08/08/2012 23:57

That is incredible! How does she make something that small look so good :) Its very clever.


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