Outside the lines

BookA few years ago my friend Sarah and I took a life-drawing night course. We’d sit in an old high-school room for a couple of hours, chatting and sipping wine and painstakingly sketching versions of our hands that looked like octopus amputees, and sneakers that resembled a child’s play-dough experiment. It was a fantastic course. I can’t say I picked up much in the way of skills, and stick figures are still my preferred style, but there was something so calming and therapeutic about those two hours a week. I was writing Airmail around this time, and I always found my creative writing came so much easier after I had given my brain this break.

For me, art (and I use that term in the loosest, most generic manner because you’d be hard pressed to call anything I make with pencil or paint “art”) is just a wonderful way to switch off and take a “brain holiday.” I need to do more of it. Do you know what I mean?

When I saw this book Outside the Lines, my first thought was that I should buy it for Madeleine. She is very into crayons right now. But to be truthful, I think I might need to buy it for me. It’s a collection of illustrations from more than 100 artists (in genres from fine art to street art to video games and photography) all ready to be coloured in by “anyone who loves creativity and contemporary art, or who simply loves the joy of coloring.” And hey, that’s me!

UmarRashid_BuffaloHeads ChristianGossett_Robot SilvioPorretta_ThePrincessScientist TravisMillard_Traffic

Naomi Bulger

Naomi Bulger is an Australian journalist who moved to New York for adventure and found love instead. She now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her new family.


  1. I lost so much time to looking at colouring books yesterday, however, there was a fabulous silver lining. A girl I work with is going through some serious family problems and I mentioned that she needed to do something every day to take her mind off it and perhaps she should do some colouring in… Her eyes lit up and she let out this sigh of pleasure and said “I LOVED colouring as a kid”… On the way out last night she said she was off to the shops to buy some textas and something to colour…. I would never have thought to suggest it to her if I hadn’t read your post. Such is the power of blogging xoxo
    Kate @ Our Little Sins recently posted…Keeping it alive!My Profile

    • Thank you for sharing this Kate! I’m so glad you were able to help your friend, and that I inadvertently played a part. X

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