What’s your soap box topic?


After writing this post about people who are completely passionate about their work, I got to thinking about things that really get me revved up. Things that make me talk like these people talk: on and on and on, because I’m really into what I’m talking about.

And right away one topic came to mind. It’s my go-to soap box topic, except I’m not really complaining about anything. It’s something that I honestly find MIND-BLOWINGLY FASCINATING and I am always mildly surprised and a little bit sad when I realise nobody else is there with me.

So here it is. Please imagine me talking faster than usual, and gesticulating wildly, letting my tea go cold or my wine get warm. It’s possible my eyes are just a little bit cray-cray. If that scares you (erm, why would it?) feel free to click away now…

One day when the kids are all grown up and the mortgages are all paid off (in other words when I’m 90ish), I want to go ahead and undertake a PhD on the origins of religion and mythology. Proper research study, not anecdotal or speculative “the gods were aliens because you can only see the Nazca lines from above” stuff.

Because to my mind there are just too many similarities in the world’s spiritual stories for there not to be a REASON. Look at the resurrection themes in the Christian and ancient Egyptian stories. Or the creation texts of the Jews and the Mayans: there’s water, separation, a serpent, so many symbolic parallels. Water and a great serpent are at the centre of a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stories, too. Now look at the demigods of the ancient Greeks and the Romans: they are the offspring of a human-divine pairing, and they are great and powerful heroes. Now take a look at the story of the Nephilim in Genesis of the Bible/Torah scriptures: they are the offspring of angels and human beings (other translations say “the sons of god and the daughters of men”), and they are known as “the giants and heroes of old.”

I get that some of these stories travelled through cultures through wars and along trade routes, which COULD explain story parallels in, for example, the Middle East. But what about South America? Australia? There are SO MANY stories with similarities, all over the world and throughout the ages. Where did they start? Is there truth in any of these? If so, what IS that truth? Who started this millennia-old game of Chinese whispers?

Once upon a time our ancestors didn’t worship any gods, and then one day they did. Archaeologists can trace the beginnings of spirituality and religion in our ancestors, through signs of belief in the afterlife. A long time ago when someone died, we left them and walked away. Presumably we grieved because presumably we loved, too, but once a person was dead there was nothing more to be done for them. But then we started burying our dead, and burying them with items of significance. Items to go with them into the afterlife, to ease their passage or make their existence easier once they got there.

WHY? Why did we start believing in life beyond the material? What happened? Did it happen in just one place and then word spread, or did it happen everywhere all at once and then the different peoples and cultures developed their own stories in isolation from one another? Was it an actual god? Many gods? A spectacular and/or catastrophic natural event? Heck, let’s indulge all the theories for a minute. Did aliens teach us how to build the pyramids? Were the “heroes of old” actually just another race that existed parallel to us, like the neanderthals (who, btw, also believed in an afterlife)?

Mind blown, right? Right?


So that’s my little soap box rant and probably you won’t be that into it and to your face I’ll say “that’s cool” but in my head I’ll be thinking WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE REST OF THE WORLD? WHY DON’T THEY GET HOW AMAZING THIS IS?

Deep breaths.

And now I want to know: what’s YOUR soap box topic? What gets you REALLY excited, as in, almost as excited as the mystery of the origins of myth? I promise to listen. I do. I really want to know. Go!


  • Deb Baker

    I’ve just got up this morning to read this Naomi and got really excited. This is a soap box topic for me as well. My husband is a Study of Religion and Modern History teacher and we have the best discussions about mythology origins. It is Jud’s passion and it is fast becoming mine. You should see the papers his senior students write. It is mind-blowing. One day when we win Lotto I would like to do some further study. Either this or Art History. Have a great day!

  • Sandra F

    Yes! And yes and yes and yes.

  • Annette

    Do not wait until you are 90ish! What a fascinating study that would make. I totally saw your tea go cold.

  • Libby Boyle

    For me, it’s not about the origins of religions but more about their practices, not their theoretical practices, but their day to day business. I worry that that those who purport to be religious often forget to care about their fellow man and to live an ethical and moral life. For me that’s what life is about. Not a belief in a God or a religion, but an ethical and moral life. Or, maybe, it IS just 42! Okay, so I’m climbing down now.

  • Karen

    I must admit Naomi, I eyes did start to glaze over. Sorry. But if I met you in person, and saw how animated and passionate you were, I’m sure you would have my full attention! I don’t really have a soap box topic but have been known to ramble on about the whole handmade revolution – art and crafts, theories behind inspiration and motivation. Positive thinking etc. I can be a bit of a zealot at times. Some people catch the bug and get enthused. Others start rolling their eyes. You can’t please everyone! x

    • Naomi Bulger

      Ha ha oh no Karen you’re breaking my heart! But don’t worry, I’ve seen plenty of glazed eyes in person too. Is there a handmade revolution? I like that thought!

  • Brandi

    One more reason you and I were meant to be friends. The study of religion is one of my favorites. Now, I can tell you that from all my studies, some of these connections are obvious, like the one between some aspects of ancient Egyptian religion and Christianity or Greek and Roman gods. There’s little historical evidence to take you as far back as you want to go, so you’ll probably need to delve deep into human psychology and why we so often connect certain symbols with particular meanings, almost no matter where we are. It’s crazy fascinating. xoxo

    • Naomi Bulger

      I love the intelligent way you think. Yes, of COURSE human psychology may suggest answers (or at least pathways). I didn’t even think of that as a discipline to explore.

  • Wanderlust

    Naomi, I totally get this. I got my undergraduate degree in Religious Studies for this very reason. I cut my teeth on Joseph Campbell. I read the Power of Myth over and over and was so influenced by it. I find it all so very fascinating. Mythology is woven through a lot of my writing today. All the great (and minor) myths of old are the metaphors which spring to mind when I’m writing.

    • Naomi Bulger

      We have so much we could talk about! Yes I think Joseph Campbell really got it, identifying the universal draw of these myths and “archetype” stories.

  • Cindy

    I read this post a few days ago and had to think about it…something else to throw into the mix…it actually made me think of the story of the Tower of Babel. That was post-Flood and people spoke one language so they probably would’ve heard stories of Nephilim and the like passed down. Then when their language was confused they took those stories with them all over the world. Anyway, just thought that was one way someone could explain those coincidences and whatnot.

    • Naomi Bulger

      I hadn’t even thought of that story. But you’re right. It’s one of the explanations not only for the spread of language, but also for the spread of populations and cultures. I haven’t even looked but I wonder if there are similar “Babel” stories in other cultures!

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