How I overcome creative block


How do you overcome creative block? Here is a trick that always works for me.

To start, I go for a walk while listening to music (the music can be Tracy Chapman, or Bob Dylan, or Lamb, or something classical. I don’t tend to choose anything else because for whatever reason, for me these artists/genres don’t get in the WAY of other creativity – do you know what I mean? This is also the ONLY music I can stand listening to while I’m writing creatively).

Anyway, I let my walk take me to the art gallery. When I’m there, I wander around looking at the paintings and sculptures and thinking about them or not thinking about them as the mood takes me. I don’t force anything. But (and this is very important) I keep the music going. I have it turned up loud enough, inside my headphones, that the other sounds of the world and the gallery all but recede into nothing.

I don’t know what it is, something perhaps about the combination of music and art and exercise I imagine, that triggers the creative side of my brain. So far, this trick has never failed me. I always walk home creatively unblocked, and brimming with new ideas.

If I’m not close to an art gallery, I still go for a walk while listening to music, but instead I bring my camera and take photographs. I notice different things through the camera lens when I’m inside the soundtrack of my walk.

How about you? How do you combat creative block?

Image credit: photo by S Zolkin, licensed under Creative Commons 


  • Clare at Girl Fifteen

    I love this photo by the way Naomi and I LOVE this post. I have been planning a trip to the Art Museum here and I haven’t been for a while, looks like I might be revving up the play list and catching the train over there. Thanks for the reminder x

  • Michelle (One Earlybird)

    I keep all my sketches from my projects, and scribblings from when I’m suffering creative overload and look through them, something in the design process that hasn’t made the cut for one project can spark an idea in a different direction. Also I take photos and save images from the internet and go through them every now & then too.

  • Rach

    yes! music, every time. Sometimes, if I am not well enough to leave the bed, I’ll just spend hours on you tube, searching words that occur, going off on tangents, listening to something in the recommendations bar that I have never heard of. The music takes me there. :-)

  • Zoya

    I haven’t listened to Tracy Chapman for ages – used to love her.
    Going for a walk outside usually helps me, though lately sitting in the garden and giving myself a chance to pay attention to my feelings and thoughts seems to be the best cure as I don’t seem to have creativity blocks as such (lots of ideas, more than I have time for), but instead go through serious bouts of self-doubt.

  • Robyna

    Oh I must try this! I think submerging yourself in other people’s creativity allows you to reconnect with your own.

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