Incoming mail – Dear Friend


“My heart was trembling as I walked into the post office, and there you were in Box 237. I took you out of your envelope and read you, read you right there. Oh, my dear friend…”

Klara Novak (to Alfred Kralik), via post
“The Shop Around the Corner”



Does it ever get old, that thrill of anticipation you feel when you spot something in the mailbox that looks handwritten and personal?

I received these two lovely letters and gifts in the mail last week and they made my day!

They made Scout’s day, too. She loves to post my letters when I send them, and can’t wait to see what people write when they reply. On this day, we picked up both letters from the Post Office on our way home and I had to promise not to open them until she woke from her nap.

Scout also likes to “read” my letters to me before I can get to them. Generally, they go something like this: “Dear Naomi, one-upon-a-time, it is a scary dinosaur to EAT YOU UP. ROAR. Now you are a cat. The end.”

These real letters (from Anke in Germany and Sara just up the road) were even better. Warm, funny, friendly, offering me snippets and glimpses into their lives. As so many letters do.

This blog and my little snail-mail project have brought me so many friends, met and unmet. Thank you!


  • Zoya

    What beautiful letters! And your daughter is so cute

    I recently watched “Going Postal” movie, which is based on Terry Pratchett’s novel. I’m not sure if it is the type of movie, which you would enjoy seeing, but I thought I’ll mention it anyway as it is all about postal service though in the imaginary world.

    • Naomi Bulger

      Oh thanks Zoya, I’ll look it up. I’m making myself watch movies that are not necessarily my style, but still make “post” their main theme. It’s… illuminating!

  • Sara

    I’m so glad it found it’s way up the road to your mailbox – the man at the post office wasn’t so sure about my funny looking address :)

    I ran out of room in my letter to tell you that a very excited 19 year old (one of many that I live with) rushed in the morning I received your letter to tell me that the most amazing little package came in the mail for me. The words said were “Oh my gosh there’s the cutest most beautiful handmade package in the mail for you. Who is it from? Where is it from? I can’t believe someone took the time to make that. I wish someone would send something like that to me!”. So kudos for bringing the magic of snail mail into our little house of tech-savvy young adults!

    • Naomi Bulger

      That’s adorable! And I love the idea you wrote about of doing a snail-mail project with them. Tell your 19yo that I would be happy to write to him/her too. In fact, since we’re locals, maybe we could plan a snail-mail project for them together? Like… mail-art surprises to everyone in the house, or something, with little maps inside that send them on a scavenger hunt?

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