
This is a day for staying indoors. For cinnamon toast and tea. For snuggling under blankets and reading books and tickling plump baby-feet.

This morning I said, “Ok, just half an hour,” to my already TV-loving couch potato baby. In case you were wondering, the Word of the Day on Sesame Street is Pumpernickel.

Later, we will read some more Dr Seuss. We will play raspberries. We will kiss. We will make each other laugh. Probably, we will both stay in our track pants all day.


  1. That Sesame Street will soon be more influence than you realise… one day when Miss A just turned 2 she said at bedtime: “Mummy, number 5 is the number of the day!” – And it surprised the hell out of me, because she could barely talk! lol Enjoy your track pants day. Cinnamon tea sounds lovely.

  2. Sounds like the perfect kind of day!

  3. Love days where I can stay in bed/laying down and reading! cant remember the last time we did that :)
    And yeah babies have the cutest little toes ever! And sure help to slow one down. Wish I could freeze those days – where everyone is chilling out.
    Enjoy the day.

  4. Gill

    Sounds like my kind of day. Pumpernickel is a pretty awesome word come to think of it! Loving the new blog look too.