Snail mail: pictures in the post

A little while ago I promised to post copies of my novella Airmail to anyone who subscribed to my blog, until the “party box” I have sitting in my home ran out.

Lately I’ve been having all kinds of fun drawing little pictures on the book-packages before I send them out. Here’s what I’m popping in the mail this week.

There are still some books left, so if you’d like a little something like this to arrive in your mailbox, all the details are on this page. I’d love to write to you!

UPDATE 5 July 2014: as of today I have run out of copies of Airmail to send you. However I would still love to send you something nice by snail-mail to say thank you for reading this blog, and I will still do my best to make it look pretty. If you have subscribed to this blog (or you want to), simply fill in your postal details on this page. And if you’re still keen to read Airmail, there’s a list of stockists here.

Naomi Bulger

Naomi Bulger is an Australian journalist who moved to New York for adventure and found love instead. She now lives in Melbourne, Australia, with her new family.


  1. Oh my lord I see mine there!!!!! I am so excited to receive it!! The illustration is gorgeous lol.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you xxx

    • Oh good Katie, I hope you really like it!

  2. Could you be any more talented!? I’m still to read my copy. I want to be able to sit in peace and savour it. Am going to ship the kids off somewhere after Christmas and just enjoy… xx

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